Enrico Greco



Design and presentation of the FlexiPark project: a simple, modular amusement park for children that keeps them safe and prevents any CoVid spreading between them.

Terre diomedee

Brand identity and graphic design proposal for the SAC Terre diomedee project.

TEDx Potenza Ponti e Passaggi

“Ponti e passaggi”, tema del TEDx Potenza 2017, ha l’obiettivo di spronare i cittadini a valorizzare il capoluogo lucano e prendersi cura del suo patrimonio partecipando alla vita cittadina.

TEDx Potenza #beautifullyugly

Il tema del primo TEDx Potenza è beautifully ugly: meravigliosamente brutta. L’obiettivo è ispirare i cittadini a guardare la città di Potenza con occhi diversi, per capirne le potenzialità economiche, culturali, paesaggistiche e turistiche.

MINT nature museum

Nella valle dell’Agri, le antiche tradizioni popolari sono profondamente legate ai paesaggi e all’impianto geologico circostante. Il Museo interattivo Natura e Tradizioni di San Martino d’Agri nasce con lo scopo di presentare al pubblico questo legame.


Il percorso museale Astrodomus, allestito nei locali dell’ex municipio di Castelgrande, è interamente dedicato all’astronomia. Si compone di un’area espositiva, un laboratorio didattico e una sezione distaccata nell’osservatorio di Castelgrande: il “Toppo”.

Enrico Greco


Hi, I’m Enrico, an italian designer currently based in The Netherlands.

Graduated in Communication and Motion design, I started working right after the school years in the creative department of an exhibit design studio, where I had the chance to experiment with graphic, web and motion design: three different areas that have always attracted me in the same way.

Right now, I’m focusing my energies on web design and development, because creating interactive platforms is the best way to express my creativity and the several skills I acknowledged during the past 15 years. Moreover, I see this media constantly growing and evolving, and I want to be part of the neverending change.

My point of view on design is to create beautiful, detailed and exciting interfaces that make users feel comfortable and engaged, wanting to discover more on the topic they’re reading about. My strength lies in the ability to mix sharp coding skills with a graphic designer’s eye for aesthetics.

Feel free to scroll and watch my portfolio, and don’t be afraid to text me and continue this conversation elsewhere.

Hi, I’m Enrico, an italian designer currently based in The Netherlands.

Graduated in Communication and Motion design, I started working right after the school years in the creative department of an exhibit design studio, where I had the chance to experiment with graphic, web and motion design: three different areas that have always attracted me in the same way.

Right now, I’m focusing my energies on web design and development, because creating interactive platforms is the best way to express my creativity and the several skills I acknowledged during the past 15 years. Moreover, I see this media constantly growing and evolving, and I want to be part of the neverending change.

My point of view on design is to create beautiful, detailed and exciting interfaces that make users feel comfortable and engaged, wanting to discover more on the topic they’re reading about. My strength lies in the ability to mix sharp coding skills with a graphic designer’s eye for aesthetics.

Feel free to scroll and watch my portfolio, and don’t be afraid to text me and continue this conversation elsewhere.