Once the new structure was defined, the second stage was to design it: I created an Adobe XD prototype - using the festival current visual identity - and shared it with the team, in order to discuss it and keep the conversation open. My design goal was to fully incorporate the brands identity of the current edition: colors, visuals and event some fonts would change every year, while still maintaining full consistency in the design.
The last step was to build and code the website's infrastructure. For the backend, I kept the WordPress CMS because the content operators were familiar with it, but I improved the interface by inserting many settings to manage the platform data and branding in a clever and easy-to-use way: my goal was to make the client independent on that.
Eventually, I had to take care of the frontend: I used a SaSs preprocessor, Node.js and npm to generate compressed CSS and JS, in order the keep the website as lightweight as possible, considering the amount of content, templates and pages.